Since 2010, Nuoyan has been focusing on rice wine with aesthetic feeling and delicate flavor.
Such refined rice wine requires constant quality control and elaborate making process. Coming from traditional Chinese rice wine brewing technique, Nuoyan creatively took in the western elements and built a unique rice wine brewing technique, which makes Chinese rice wine shine again. We believe, a good wine reminds us that life is beautiful on so many levels. We believe, traditonal Chinese wine will accompany various kinds of food on the table in a brand new gesture. 糯言新派中国原生米酒 Nuoyan Rice Wine糯言原酿系列米酒
Classic Nuoyan Rice Wine Ingredients: Glutinous rice, yeast, water
Alcohol Level : 13.5 % Residual Sugar: 21% Size: 500ml Using Chinese sticky rice from southeastern mountains, deep spring water, and herb-based yeast, going through a natural, low-temperature fermentation process for 200 days with a four months ageing process in the oak barrels. This classic Nuoyan rice wine is full-bodied, nut and honey aroma, smooth on the palate with balanced sweetness and a buttery finish. 取用中国东南山地糯米及深井泉水,取用草木酒曲,低温自然发酵,历经200多天酿造,并在橡木桶熟成四个月的糯言经典原酿,入口绵滑,酒体饱满,酒香浓郁,扎实的干果蜜香,口感顺滑柔和,甜的恰好,尾韵醇和而有甜润感。 原酿玫瑰糯言米酒
2 Year Rose Rice Wine Ingredients: Glutinous rice, yeast,water, rose
Alcohol Level: 13.5 % Residual Sugar: 21% Size: 375ml Using Chinese sticky rice from southeastern mountains, deep spring water, imported Damask rose petal and herb-based yeast, going through with multiple parallel fermentation proceses in a low-temperature environment for two years. It begins with a heavy rose aroma, then the rose and rice flavor dance together on the palate with a smooth finish. 取用中国东南山地糯米和纯正大马士革重瓣玫瑰,深井泉水和草木酒曲,采用多重低温发酵法酿造,自然混合发酵,历经两年时间酿造成酒,酒体剔透明亮,闻有浓郁玫瑰香,入口后玫瑰花香和米香交揉释放,口感绵滑甜蜜。 |
2 Year Osmanthus Rice Wine Ingredients: Glutinous rice, yeast, water, osmanthus
Alcohol Level: 13.7 % Residual Sugar: 21% Size: 375ml Using Chinese sticky rice from southeastern mountains, deep spring water, osmanthus flower from Guangxi Guilin and berb-based yeast, going through with multiple parallel fermentation processes in a low-temperature environment for two years. This wine has a golden clear color, heavy osmanthus aroma, full-bodied, rice and osmanthus mingle on the palate. 取用中国东南山地糯米和广西桂林九月金桂,深井泉水和草木酒曲,采用多重低温发酵法酿造,自然混合发酵,历经两年时间酿造成酒,酒体剔透明亮,闻有浓郁桂花香,入口后桂花香和米香交揉释放,口感绵滑甜蜜。 原酿香草糯言米酒
2 Year Vanilla Rice Wine Ingredients: Glutinous rice, yeast, water,vanilla
Alcohol Level: 12 % Residual Sugar: 21% Size: 375ml Using Chinese sticky rice from southeastern mountians, deep spring water, imported Madagascar Vanilla and herb-based yeast, going through with multipe parallel fermentation processes in a low-temperature enviroment for 4 years. This elegant rice wine is the most remarkable. It leaves a creamy mouthfeel, with a tart finish, hints of coffee and milk, well balanced. This wine could be served as a nice dessert wine after a nice dinner. 取中国山地原生精糯米和马达加斯加上等香荚兰混合发酵,分三段发酵,熟成三年,酿造至今已有五年。香草米酒风格独特,口感温润绵滑,浓郁的奶油巧克力甜香混合淡淡果酸,香气浓郁,口感丰富,回味悠长,可以作为餐后甜品酒,是糯言酒系中难得的一款。 |
Bright Sweet Series
Original Ingredients: Glutinous rice, yeast, water
Alcohol Level: 14.5% Residual Sugar: 6% Size: 380 ml Using Chinese sticky rice from southeastern mountains, deel well water, and herb-based yeast, going through a secondary fermentation process in a low humidity environment for 150 days to finish this compex classic rice wine. The rice flavor is bold, balanced, and crispy with a hint of melon aroma. 取中国东南山地糯米及深井泉水,取用草木酒曲,分两段低温自然发酵,历经150天酿造而成,层次鲜明的糯言清酿原味米酒。入口米香清新纯净,清甜的米香混合着成熟的蜜瓜气息,口感酸甜平衡,甘洌清爽。 清酿青梅糯言米酒
Green Plum Ingredients: Glutinous rice, yeast, water, ripe plum
Alcohol Level: 19.5 % Residual Sugar: 3% Size: 380 ml Using Chinese sticky rice from southeastern mountain, sour green plums from Fujian with a ratio of 2:1 and fermented from 365 days to finish this dense amber-colored rice wine. Starting with a fruity aroma, crispy and citric, a little tartness in the mid-palate, but with a long finish of fruity sweat. 取中国东南山地糯米糅合优质福建诏安完熟青梅果,以二份青梅一份糯米的比例自然混合发酵,历经365天酿造而成,剔透琥珀酒色的糯言青梅米酒,初闻有淡淡的果香,清冽酸爽,入喉微苦,之后是舌底回甘,果香和米香交揉叠加,余味悠长。 |
Osmanthus Ingredients: Glutinous rice, yeast, water, osmanthus
Alcohol Level: 13.5 % Residual Sugar: 13% Size: 380 ml Using Chinese sticky rice from southeastern mountains, deep well water, osmanthus flower from Guilin Guangxi and herb-based yeast, going through a seconday fermentation process in a low humidity environment for 150 days to finish this gold-body rie wine. The osmanthus aroma lightly flows on the top of the glass, soomth body. Rice and osmanthus flavor balanced out with an acidic finishing. It.s food-friendly. 取中国东南山地糯米和优质广西桂林九月金桂,深井泉水与草木酒曲,分两段低温自然混合发酵,历经150天酿造而成,淡淡金黄色酒体,初闻有如清风拂来淡淡的桂花香,清新沁人,入口绵滑爽净,桂花香和米香交揉叠加,后味酸爽怡人,是绝佳的佐餐中国米酒。 清酿玫瑰糯言米酒
Rose Ingredients: Glutinous rice, yeast,water, rose petals
Alcohol Level: 13 % Residual Sugar: 15% Size: 380 ml Using Chinese sticky rice from southeastern mountains, deep well water, rose petal from Shandong and herb-based yeast, going through a secondary fermentation process in a low humidity environment for 150 days to finish this clear rose rice wine. It begins with bright rose aroma, then the rose and rice flavor dance together on the palate with a crispy finish。 取中国东南山地糯米和优质山东平阴重瓣玫瑰,深井泉水与草木酒曲,分两段低温自然混合发酵,历经150天酿造而成。酒体剔透明亮,闻有清新玫瑰香,进入口腔后花香和米香交叠释放,口感细腻爽净。 |
Fresh Sweet Series
Nuo Yan Sparkling Rice Wine
Nuo Yan Sparkling Rice Wine
Ingredients: Glutinous rice, yeast,water
Alcohol Level: 8% Residual Sugar Rate: 12.5 % Size: 520ml big, 300ml small Lightly sweet rice wine , wine making took 85 days using Champagne method. the fruity and refreshing sparkling rice wine is a delight for any special occasion or just savor it for relaxing. |
Winemaker's limited Edition
A powerful Nuoyan rice liquor, it has a long finish and a refreshing taste. The initial wine is fermented from Red Bayberry, kind of southern Chinese seasonal fruit. Winemaking totally took 3 years, including a one year aging process in a oak barrel.
The wine we serve now were made in 2012, it limited to 3000 bottles. 取中国东南山地杨梅果自然发酵后和50度糯米烧酒混拼熟成,历时两年后,在橡木桶熟成一年,酿造至今已经有七年,糯梅烧风格独特,口感清冽,丰富细腻,回味较长,是糯言系列米酒中酒精度最高的一款,目前成酒仅3000瓶。 |